The Hidden Prodigy Project (HiPP) is the invention of Dr. Serena McCalla, "the Godmother of Science Research" because she believes that inequality stymies innovation and that we need a different kind of science talent search program— one that focuses on underestimated, underrepresented, and underserved communities.

Join us in our mission to break the inequality barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) excellence.


  • Founder

    The Hidden Prodigy Project was developed and orchestrated by Serena McCalla, Ph.D., founder of iResearch Corporation (DBA iResearch Institute and iResearch Academy) and iResearch Foundation. Dr. McCalla received the Wayfinder Award in June 2023, becoming a National Geographic Explorer. She is the President of the New York State Science & Engineering Fair (NYSSEF) and was featured in the National Geographic Emmy Award and Sundance Film Festival Favorite award-winning documentary "Science Fair" as a principal subject and sole educator and later appeared in the Disney+/National Geographic 2023 TV series - "Science Fair: the Series”.

    Serena McCalla's pedagogy has resulted in a community of scientists who support next-generation scientists. Her winning practices and students have an unparalleled track record of success in high-stakes international and national competitions. Dr. McCalla has been called the Nation's “godmother of science research.” Cumulatively, her programs have produced a record-breaking 80 semifinalists/scholars and 17 finalists in the prestigious Intel/Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) and over 100+ International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) finalists over the past 10 years (on average she supports and sends 5+ students annually) with 4 students earning a top 10 of 1800 position in the last 4 years. For her rigorous curriculum, Dr. McCalla has been named a 3-time recipient of the US Presidential Scholar Teaching Award and has an honorary planet named serenamccalla from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

    Dr. McCalla discovered her passion for science at a young age. She has spent the better two decades helping the newest scientists discover theirs. Dr. McCalla aims to increase global innovation by helping underrepresented, under-estimated, and underprivileged groups to become inventors and scientists. She encourages her students to follow her quote- “If you dream it, complete the work to make your dream reality”. Dr. McCalla aspires to support students to make a difference by discovering something new within themselves and the world and helping students around the globe gain experiences that previously may have seemed out of reach.


  • Due to his background as a man of Latino descent and humble beginnings, Dr. Huertas understands how lack of access and resources could limit academic success. Today, Dr. Huertas is the VP of Emergency Medicine at Northwell Health, and a teacher of medical students, physician assistants, and medical residents.

  • A film and TV producer and former educator with a MS in education, Emily is passionate about increasing access to education for all. She has seen first hand how Dr. McCalla's expert mentorshp transforms students lives and is excited to be part of a project that will connect Serena with many more students and uncover many more future science prodigies!

  • Imani has orchestrated advertising and communications campaigns at some of the most well-respected agencies in New York City and Washington D.C., including Ogilvy, McCann-Erickson, and Saatchi and Saatchi. Imani is committed to service for women and communities of color and she has mentored, tutored and volunteered for more than two decades.

  • Having went through the joys and challenges of student research himself when he was in high school, including earning 3rd Place at Intel ISEF. David appreciates how valuable of an experience this can be while also realizing the difficulties of getting started without mentorship and guidance. He hopes to share his love of discovery and invention with generations to come. He has served as a research mentor in the past and now works as a software engineer where he can continue building exciting things.